Managing the named configurations list
After you have saved a named configuration, it is added to the Named Configurations form, which is accessed under the menu option. This form is used to manage named configurations that were saved for all users to access or for just yourself (Current User). If another user in the system has created named configurations and set them to Current User, then you will not see those configurations on this form.
For the configurations you see on this form, you can perform these tasks:
- Disable/enable a named configuration
When a named configuration is created, it is enabled by default. On this form, you can disable selected configurations, so they are kept in the system but are not included in the product list/catalog for use on quotes or orders. You can copy quotes that contain a named configuration that is set to Disabled, but the named configuration remains disabled.
- Delete a named configuration
You can delete any configuration on this form that is not used on an open quote or order.