Quote, order, and line item statuses

This table describes quote statuses:

Status Description
Open The quote has been created and is actively being modified.
Ordered The quote has been converted to an order and can be fulfilled by the manufacturer
Partially Ordered Some quote lines, but not all, have been ordered.
Closed If a quote has multiple versions and one version has been fully or partially ordered, the remaining versions are automatically inactivated and set to Closed.
Lost The quote was not chosen by the buyer. This status is set manually in the header details.
Abandoned The quote is no longer being pursued. This status is set manually in the header details.
Expired Based on the date displayed in the header details, the quote has expired. Once expired, no transactional changes can be made to the quote; however, you can still copy it to make a new quote or export lines from the expired quote.

A quote's expiration date is based on the number of days specified in application preferences by the EQ administrator.

This table describes order statuses:

Status Description
Open The default status when an order is created or when a quote is converted to ordered/partially ordered.
In Review This status is set manually in the header details. In this status, no transactional changes can be made to the order.
Submitted The order has been placed.
Review Errors This status is set manually in the header details. In this status, no transactional changes can be made to the order, but errors on the order require review.
Rejected The order was rejected by the integrated ERP system due to a nonexistent customer, product, or configuration, for example.
Expired Based on the date displayed in the header details, the order has expired. Once expired, no transactional changes can be made to the order; however, you can still copy it to make a new order or export lines from the expired order.

The expiration date is based on the number of days specified in application preferences by the EQ administrator.

This table describes line item statuses:

Status Description
(Blank) The default status for non-configurable items.
Success The default status for configurable products that do not have this pre-defined component attribute: EQ_RequiresConfigurationApproval
Requires Review The default status for configurable products that have this pre-defined component attribute: EQ_RequiresConfigurationApproval
In Review A user has requested review of a configurable product, and it is waiting for review by a configuration approver.
Approved The configuration of a product that requires approval has been approved.
Rejected The configuration of a product that requires approval has been rejected.
Partially Saved A product configuration was saved but not yet finished. See also Saving and resuming a partial configuration.
Failed Configuration A red error icon is displayed. The configurable product has an invalid configuration. See also Recovering from configuration errors.
Failed Non-Configurable A red error icon is displayed. This is applicable only when the integrated ERP is Infor LN, the Retrieve Non-Configured Price in ERP preference is enabled, and the non-configurable product added to the quote or order does not exist in LN.
Pending An orange clock icon is displayed. This is applicable only when CPQ Enterprise Quoting is integrated with Salesforce and a configurable product is added via Salesforce. The configuration is not saved in Salesforce, so it must be manually reconfigured in CPQ Enterprise Quoting.
Disabled The line item product has been disabled on the Products form under Product Maintenance in the menu. This is applicable to configurable and non-configurable products.