
Use this troubleshooting information when creating and using Quests.

The quest has a FAILED status

Solution: Identify the failing activity and check the error log. A log will be available to the user providing some information to pin point the issue.

The dataset contains MISSING VALUES

Cause: Most algorithms cannot process missing data.

Solution: Check the dataset and handle the missing values by applying the Handle Missing Data activity before training the model.

The dataset contains features with STRING data type

Cause: Most algorithms cannot process string values.

Solution: Check the dataset and convert the string features into numeric by applying the Index Data or One Hot Encoder activity before training the model.

The LABEL is NOT SPECIFIED before applying a supervised algorithm

Solution: Apply Edit Metadata activity and specify the label.

MULTIPLE columns are specified as LABELS

Cause: Only one label can be specified.

Solution: Apply Edit Metadata and confirm the label.

The Compare Model activity takes INCOMPARABLE MODELS as inputs

Cause: Models must be of the same type (either classification or regression type) to get comparable results.

Solution: Confirm the model type.

The SCRIPTING activity fails

Solution: Confirm that the output variable is defined in the code as an output of the activity.

Errors in the CONFIGURATION of the ALGORITHM hyperparameters

Solution: Make sure you have these values set correctly:

  • XGboost: num.class parameter =! unique number of classes
  • XGboost binary: classification objective on multiclass label column
  • Linear Learner - multiclass classifier: num.class parameter =! unique number of classes
  • Linear Learner - regressor: log not in [0,1] content label column

Training failed with NO ERROR LOG

Cause: For security reasons an error log could not be provided.

Solution: This may be an application error to be resolved.

The error log indicates that a TIMEOUT has occurred on the quest

Solution: Stopping and restarting the quest may resolve the issue.


Solution: See the Algorithm Quick Reference in the main menu.