Using the Expression builder
You can use the Expression builder to specify the equation. You can select the respective
symbols, sets, indices, constants, decision variables, and parameters by double-clicking it.
The item is added at the last saved position of cursor within the grid.
You can select single or multiple functions.
SUM<j>{U[i, j, k] * datasetname.Weight[j]} <= (C[i, k] *
datasetname2.MaxWeight [i])
Where < > { }
goes together with the SUM(Sigma)
function and [ ]
applied for indices. Use ( )
to prioritize/order arithematic
calculations following BODMAS.
Where < > { }
always goes together with PRODUCT(Pi)
function and [ ]
applied for indices. Use ( )
to prioritize/order arithematic
calculations following BODMAS.
2*x1+3*x3+x4+2*x5 >=50%
x2-(2*x3/2)*x4+(x5^2) >=12