Running a design quest

You must save and run the design quest to receive output results from the respective optimize model configurations. When the design quest is running, the status of the quest, and the progress of each separate activity in the flow is displayed. Each separate activity status is traceable when configuring and running the quest.

A quest can be run completely or partially. A partial run, for a selected activity, is available to view the output of a specific activity in the flow. If the quest has been run previously, the activities preceding the selected activity are not rerun. Therefore, running time is shorter. The previous activities must have been run successfully.

These statuses are displayed on the activity box:

Description Image Meaning
None n/a Activity not yet run or was run and settings were changed.

Activity has no error based on validation.

Error Status error image

Activity is not connected.

Activity is not configured properly.

Queuing Queueing status image Activity is awaiting to be executed.
Running Activity running image Activity is in running state.
Failed Acitivity failed image Activity was executed, but failed.
Finished Activity finished image Activity was successfully executed.

To run a design quest:

  1. Select a quest.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Run. After the run completes successfully, click the results tile to view the output results.