The quest has a FAILED status
Solution: Identify the failing activity and check the error log. The error log provides some information to help identify the issue.
The dataset contains MISSING VALUES
Cause: Solver might take null values and produce results that may not be optimal.
Solution: Check the dataset and handle the missing values by applying the Handle Missing Data activity before building the model.
The LABEL is NOT SPECIFIED before referencing in model setup
Solution: Apply the Aliasing activity and specify the label.
MULTIPLE columns are specified as LABELS
Solution: Apply the Aliasing activity and confirm the label.
The SCRIPTING activity fails
Solution: Confirm that the output variable is defined in the code as an output of the activity.
The error log indicates that a TIMEOUT has occurred on the quest
Solution: Stopping and restarting the quest may resolve the issue.
WHICH Solver to use
Solution: See the Solver Quick Reference in the main menu.
There is a user-defined SCRIPT or SQL activity present and running
Cause: The user has the flexibility to define a script or their own SQL which could result in long running activities.
The DATA volume is LARGE
Cause: Pre-processing on large datasets can take time.