String operators

This table describes the string operators.
Operator Description Left hand value types Right hand types Notes
Contains String contains substring String String True if the string on the left side contains the string on the right side . It must be an exact match.
Ends With String ends with substring String String True if the string on the left side ends with the string on the right side. It must be an exact match.
Begins With String begins with substring String String True if the string on the left side begins with the string on the right side. It must be an exact match.
Like String matches pattern string String String True if the string on the left side matches the pattern string on the right side (case insensitive).
Is Null String is null String N/A True if the expected data is not provided.
Is Empty String is empty String N/A True if the string has no characters.
Is Not Empty String is not empty String N/A True if the string has at least one character.
Match Ignore Case Strings are the same regardless of case String String True if the strings are the same regardless of case.
Match Case Strings are the same String String True if the left side string exactly matches the right side string.