String lists

This table describes the string list operators. String lists are case sensitive and must be an exact match.
Operator Description Left hand value types Right hand types Notes
Contains Any Of List of strings contains any of the strings String list String list True if any items on the right side are in the list on the left side.
Excludes List does not contain an item on the right String list String, String list True if the list on the left side does not contain the items on the right side.
Excludes Any Of Lists do not have the same items String list String list True if none of the items on the right side are in the list on the left side.
Includes List includes items on the right String list String, String list True if the list on the left side includes the items on the right side.
Includes at least One Of List includes at least one of the item on the right String list String True if the list on the left side contains the items on the right side.
Includes Exactly One Of List includes exactly one of the item on the right String list String True if the list on the left side has exactly one item matching the item on the right side.