Beta testing Coleman skills

Beta testing grants certain users access to the test version of the Coleman Alexa skill. The test version is automatically updated in sync with the Infor OS testing set. For example, each time you build a skill in Infor OS, the skill is also built to the test skill in Alexa.

Beta testing is available for 90 days. Optionally, you can stop beta testing early. Beta testers can access the test skill only when beta testing is active.

Beta testing accesses the test set of Coleman skills, not just the test versions of skills deployed to Alexa. We recommend that you beta test skills in Alexa before you deploy them. Beta testing is the only way to test Alexa skills. You cannot test Alexa skills in the Try It Out pane.

  1. Select Coleman Skills > Menu > External Targets > Alexa > Beta Testing.
  2. Specify the Feedback email. This is the email where tester feedback is sent. Click Save.
  3. Add email addresses for beta testers.
    Specify the emails associated with the user’s Amazon account, not their IFS email.
  4. Optionally, you can resend or revoke invitations.
  5. Optionally, you can stop and start beta testing.