Setting up Alexa for Infor Coleman Digital Assistant

To use Infor Coleman Digital Assistant with Alexa, you must link your tenant to an Amazon developer account and establish a vendor ID where your tenant’s Coleman Alexa skill will reside.

Before you proceed with setup, isolate your Amazon developer account that is hosting the Amazon skills. The linked account will solely host the Coleman skills and should not be used with Alexa.

Complete these steps before accessing other Alexa screens from the administration menu.

  1. Select Coleman Skills > Menu > External Targets > Alexa > Account Setup.
  2. Click Log in with Amazon. A secure dialog from Amazon is displayed. Specify your Amazon log-in information.
    You can log in with either a root Amazon account specified for your company or one of its linked developer accounts.
  3. To grant access to Coleman, click Allow.
  4. Select a Vendor ID from the menu on the Coleman screen.
    Note: You cannot change this later. To follow best practices, you should select the Vendor ID for the company root account.
    The Vendor Name, Vendor ID, and the AWS role of the logged in account for each vendor is displayed. This is not the Infor Federation Services (IFS) role.

    For example, if you log in with an AWS Developer account that is linked to the company root account, the role for the root vendor is Developer. If you log in as the root account, the role for the root vendor is Admin. Be aware of the account that you are logged in to, and how it relates to the root account, when you make your selection.

  5. Click Save to close the dialog.
  6. Click Save to complete setup.
    Progress of setup is displayed on the screen. If an error is encountered, you are prompted to try again or switch Amazon accounts.
  7. To modify the default description for the Coleman Alexa skill after the initial setup, make the change and click Save.
  8. To switch Amazon accounts, click Log In With Amazon at any time.
    Note: Only the account associated with the selected Vendor ID can make changes to Infor Coleman.