Response condition operators

Operator Description
Equals Variable is equal to value
Not Equals Variable is not equal to value
Is Empty Variable is null
Is Not Empty Variable is not null
Contains Variable contains value; a partial match
List Contains Evaluates partial matches in a list of Strings
Greater Than Compares to numerical value
Greater Than Or Equal To Compares to numerical value
Less Than Compares to numerical value
Less Than Or Equal To Compares to numerical value
Size Equals Compares size of array
Size Not Equals Compares size of array
Size Greater Than Compares size of array
Size Greater Than Or Equal To Compares size of array
Size Less Than Compares size of array
Size Less Than Or Equal To Compares size of array
Matches Variable exactly matches given String
List Matches Evaluates exact String match in a list of Strings
Base64 Encode Encodes given input to Base64
Base64 Decode Decodes given Base64 input