Custom Sets

Visualizer Custom Sets can be used to filter Visualizer reports or as a dashboard filter. You can also use a custom set as an additional column in a Visualizer report. This concept, known as set based filtering, is used in Designer reports, and you can apply similar use cases in Visualizer.

If you move your Custom Set to another report catalog folder, the Custom Set does not work.
  1. Create the Custom Set.
    For example, the report contains customers by Qty sold in descending order and filtered for quantities that are less than or equal to 7500. Before you can make this a custom set, you must save the report. Then you select the option to create a custom set.
    You must use a tabular report to create a custom set.
    Note: Custom Sets can be saved to a Custom Subject Area or your default subject area. If you save a custom set to a custom subject area, it is no longer available for use in the default subject area.
  2. Create a new report for which you want to use the custom set(s).
    You can apply custom sets to a Visualizer report as additional columns, filters and sorting.
    Note: Custom Sets can also be applied as filters on a Dashboard.
  3. If desired, select the dashlets to which the filter applies, as is done with other dashboard filters.
    Note: The filter card (applied custom set) displays on the dashboard.