
For customers using Notifications, please review this change and make a request as needed:

For as early as the 2023.06 release, if the customer wants to send out notifications from a new domain, they must request support to add the new domain to the allowable list for their account.

For example: if company ABC wants to use the new domain, they have to make a request through support to add this new domain. These domains are automatically allowed:,, and domains previously requested through support. Existing notifications are not affected. This also applies to Birst Appliance customers.

The request should include:

  • The domain they would like to be added at the account level. Space level is not allowed. We recommend picking an email domain that covers all space. For example
  • The accountIDs.

Render report once notifications with multiple recipients (COOL-17997)

Previously, when a notification with multiple recipients that includes a report is sent, Birst rendered the report for each recipient on the notification. This led to an inefficient process where the application rendered the same report multiple times that did not change from recipient to recipient.

Now the application renders the report only one time and the notification sends one email to reach recipient. The multiple recipients are BCC'd on the email. If there is an error, the creator of the notification receives one email instead of multiple emails for each recipient on the report.