Create a Salesforce connection

You can use your Salesforce credentials to connect with Salesforce.

  1. Navigate to Modeler Connect.
  2. Select the Salesforce connector or click + Create New Connection and select Salesforce from the Select the connector list.
  3. Specify the Connection Name.
  4. Specify your Salesforce credentials in the Security Credentials fields.
    Note: Contact your Salesforce Administrator for more details.
  5. To select an Environment and Salesforce API Version, click More Options.
    Users can select version 54 or 34 from the Salesforce API Version list field. Version 54 is the default value.
    Salesforce will be deprecating APIs for versions 34 to 54 in mid-2024. Any Salesforce APIs from 34 to 54 will no longer be supported by Salesforce. We strongly recommend that customers transition to using Salesforce API 54 or later.
  6. Click Save.
    If the connection was successfully saved, you can extract data from Salesforce objects. If the Salesforce credentials you specified are incorrect, an invalid username message is displayed.