Filtering Data Source Columns

For each column you select, you can filter its columns, by clicking the filter icon at the top of a column. The filter you apply limits the number of rows extracted based on the filter criteria.

The filter panel lets you select a valid operator based on the data type such as equal to, greater than, less than, not equal to, and so on. You need to provide a valid value for the selected column.

Note: The filter operators vary based on whether the column selected is a measure or an attribute.

When you apply a filter and click Apply, the preview panel updates displaying only the rows that match the filter criteria. Selected filter tag(s) display at the top of the table.

Select more columns and add filters for additional tables as needed.

Click Done.

Note: It is possible you do not get all the records the first time. You can update the connection's tables and rows.

If you used a recommendation, make sure to scroll through the columns to see what was selected by default.

Note: If there are a large number of rows, Modeler displays a message. This is to keep you from downloading a large amount of data. If you see a warning, double-check your selections or add filters before proceeding.

The Connect page refreshes, displaying only the tables you selected, and a preview of all the rows. You can click Edit, to continue refining the columns you want to select for each table.

Note: The Database Connector removes certain types of columns from preview data response. Some data types provide unusable data (Binary data), so those columns are removed from preview data response. List of data types for which we ignore columns:
  • BLOB
  • CLOB
Note: Preview data returns the datatype as Varchar if the column type is a database specific data type. If Birst Connect 2.0 does not find a matching data type, it returns VARCHAR as data type.