Birst Cloud Agent Properties

Property Default Value Description
com.birst.thread.poolsize 8 Maximum concurrent execution of extraction tasks on the Agent. Increasing the pool size increases the load on the Agent especially during extraction (CPU and memory usage). Doing higher number of concurrent operations could also increase the load on the database. A minimum of 1 thread should be set to allow upgrading the agent.
com.birst.thread.priority.poolsize 8 Maximum concurrent execution of Live Access query, preview, fetch schema/table tasks on the Agent.
com.birst.url See description The server that the Agent sends response to. This is defaulted to the URL from where the Agent is downloaded. It is not usual to change this property. Advanced users can do this if necessary in consultation with support. See description The name of the Agent as seen in the Birst HTML user interface. The user selects/identifies an agent based on the Agent name. If not provided, the name defaults to the machine name from which the Agent is launched. It is strongly recommended to provide a name before starting up the Agent.
com.birst.agent.description See description Text which helps user provide description about the Agent. See description The Agent id is empty when an Agent is downloaded. When starting the Agent, the server registers the Agent and assigns an id to it which is automatically updated in the properties file. The Agent uses the id for internal mapping of Agent usage in connections. This field should not be updated by the user.
com.birst.sslcontext.protocol TLSv1.2 The SSL protocol used, this should be changed only when Java supports a higher updated protocol above the default.
com.birst.request.ignoreSSLCertificates false Update is needed only on Birst appliance if the Birst server doesn't have valid certificates for HTTPS. In such a case the property should be set to true. When using Java 1.7 (as compared to Java 8), certain SSL certificate authorities (e.g. COMODO CA Limited) are not recognized and this property would be needed to be set to true, even if browser shows the connection as valid SSL connection.
com.birst.request.retry.count 5 If the Birst server isn't available when the Agent tries to communicate with it, a re-try mechanism exists. The number of re-tries attempted is controlled by this property.
com.birst.request.retry.basesleep 10 Time in milliseconds after the first re-try is done. Subsequent re-tries can happen after exponential time duration (e.g 10, 100, 1000, 10000).
com.birst.request.retry.maxsleep 60000 Maximum time between two re-retries.
com.birst.request.timeout 60000 Time duration allowed for HTTP operations to the server (preview response, LA response, get table/schema response), after which the operation is marked as failed as and a re-try can be attempted. This should only be increased if you are on a slow network and communication to Birst servers is taking longer than normal.
com.birst.upload.timeout 300000 Time duration allowed for HTTP operations to the server (upload of extract request), after which the operation is marked as failed as and a re-try can be attempted. This should be increased only if you are on a slow network and communication to Birst servers is taking longer than normal.