Automatically Targeting Hierarchies

You can select which hierarchy to automatically assign any new columns detected in this data source in the future. By default, new columns are not targeted to a hierarchy.

  1. From Modeler Relate, select the source to edit.
  2. Click More, and then Source Properties.
  3. Select the setting from the Newly detected source columns list.
    Target Most Commonly Used Hierarchy
    Newly added columns in the source are automatically targeted to the hierarchy that is most commonly used for that source. For example, there is a Categories source and all four columns in the source are targeted to the Categories hierarchy. When a fifth column is added to the source, it is automatically targeted to the Categories hierarchy.
    Do Not Target
    Does not assign newly added columns to a hierarchy.
    Target Hierarchy
    Selecting this option allows you to select a hierarchy to target new sources from your existing hierarchies.

  4. Click Done.