Managing columns to a scripted source

You can add and manage output columns to a scripted source.

  1. Navigate to Modeler Prepare.
  2. Select the source you want to manage columns for, then click Edit Scripted Source.
  3. Scroll to the Output Columns table.
  4. To add a new column to the source:
    1. Click +Add Column.
    2. Specify the column Name.
    3. Select a column data Type.
    4. Specify a Replace Null Value or the replaced value in the event of a null value.
    5. Click Confirm to save the new column.
  5. To edit an existing column:
    1. Select the column you want to edit and click Edit.
    2. You can modify the Name, the column data Type, and the Replace Null Value.
    3. Click Confirm to save the changes. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the changes.
  6. To delete a column, select the column you want to remove and then click Delete for that column.
  7. Click Save.