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Infor Birst Mobile User Guide
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Birst Mobile
Creating Mobile Birst
Guidelines for mobile design
Mobile user management
Securing Birst mobile
Offline mode
Settings for offline mode
Online refresh
Granting users access to Birst Mobile
Setting up cloud server profile in Birst mobile app
Wiping Birst data from mobile devices
Mobile device management (MDM) settings
Birst Mobile FAQs
Handoff Troubleshooting
Login Troubleshooting FAQs
Settings FAQs
How do I change my Birst password on iOS?
Is my login the same as my passcode on iOS?
What is the Force Offline setting?
What is the Generate Thumbnails setting
What is the Hardware Acceleration setting?
What is offline cache?
What is the Online Cache?
What is the setting for Force Turbo Charts?
What is the setting for Lazy Load?
What is the setting for Request Timeout?
General FAQs
What is a Space?
How do I go to a different space?
What are email notifications?
How are dashboards and reports organized on an iPad?
How are dashboards and reports organized on an iPhone?
How do I create a new email notification on iOS?
How do I set up the offline cache to browse dashboards offline?
What are the basic gestures to use on iOS?
What can I do to improve app performance?
How is SSO supported?
Using Dashboards FAQs
How do I annotate a dashboard and share it on Android?
How do I annotate a dashboard and share it on iOS?
How do I make a dashboard a favorite on Android?
How do I make a dashboard a favorite on iOS
How do I navigate dashboards on Android?
How do I navigate dashboards on iPad?
How do I quickly find a dashboard on Android
How do I quickly find a dashboard on iOS?
How do I reset a dashboard to its original view on Android
How do I reset a dashboard to its original view on iOS?
How do I set a bookmark on Android?
How do I set a bookmark on iOS?
How do I set a dashboard to be my Home dashboard on iOS?
How do I share a screen shot of a dashboard or report on iOS?
How to I set a dashboard to be my Home dashboard on Android
Using Filters FAQs
Can I change the columns that are shown in a chart on Android?
How do I use filters on Android?
How do I use filters on iOS?
How do I use visual filtering on Android?
How do I use visual filtering on iOS?
What are filters?
Using Reports FAQs
Can I change the columns that are shown in a chart on iOS?
Can I change the look or style of a chart on iOS?
Can I see a list of reports that are on a dashboard in Android?
Can I see a list of the reports that are on a dashboard on iOS?
How do I change the sorting on a table column?
How do I interact with charts on Android
How do I interact with charts on iOS?
How do I interact with KPIs on Android?
How do I interact with KPIs on iOS?
How do I maximize the size of a report?
How do I see more information about a column on Android?
How do I see more information about a column on iOS?
How is the Drill Down different than Drill Across?
Storytelling FAQs
How to create and edit stories
Presenting a story
Managing stories
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