Birst and OS Portal
Birst is supported in Infor OS Portal, the successor to Infor Ming.le portal. Birst user settings, such as email address, password, languages and locales, are managed on the User Profile page which is accessed through the at the top left. In addition, on the User Profile page, you can manage the theme that you use in the Birst user interface; you can also manage the accent colors used for the Birst header and on some application pages. For more information, refer to the chapter "User Profile" in the Infor Birst Introduction User Guide.
After Birst is configured and OS Portal is set up, you have the option to embed reports on an OS Portal workspace. Visualizer reports are embedded in OS Portal using a web page widget. Birst reports are embedded using an Infor OS Portal application. For more details, refer to the chapter "Embedded Reports" in the Infor Birst Reports User Guide.