KPI style options

The KPI style options become available when you select one or more KPI. To select multiple KPIs, hold the Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) key and select the KPIs.

  1. In Edit mode, select a KPI. The Edit Toolbar is displayed. KPIs have access to all the options in the Edit Toolbar and so on.

  2. The fonts inside KPIs are responsive and the font size increases or decreases according to the size of the browser window or tablet screen. Use Make Font Size Consistent to maintain the same font size across KPIs regardless of the size of the dashlet or dashboard dimensions.

  3. Use Adjust Proportions: KPI Title vs KPI value to control the size of the title text versus the measure value number. The slider changes the sizes by proportion.
    Note: This option is only available when a single KPI is selected.

  4. Publish to save the changes to the KPI.