Formatting KPI widgets

  1. From the KPI Builder, click the Measure tab.
  2. Click Formatting. You can format:
    None (no commas), Thousands (K), Millions (M), Billions (B), or percent (%). The default Auto is chosen by Dashboards.
    By default there is no suffix label after the measure number. You can add the percent sign label (%).
    0 - 3 decimal places, or All. The default Auto is what is used by the base data.
    By default there is no currency prefix label. Select one from the list.
  3. Click Back when you are done.
  4. Click Style Settings to apply styles to the measure.
  5. Select a Font Face from the list.
  6. Select a Font Color.
    Note: You can enter the hex number for the color. This is helpful when you use standard colors and a have a list of their hex numbers.

  7. Click Back when you are done with the Style Settings.
  8. If you do not want to show the measure title but not the data, you can toggle the data off.

  9. Click Save. The KPI Builder closes and the KPI widget displays on the dashboard, where you can resize and move it to fit your dashboard design.