More Options for Filters

For additional functionality for filters, you can click More Options at the bottom of the Create Filter drawer. The More Options tab is displayed.

Use variable as default
Use a variable to set the default value when the filter loads. Choose from the list of existing variables or create a new one. For range filters that use BETWEEN or OUTSIDE operators, such as date pickers or sliders, enter two default values.
Apply to all pages
Apply the filter to all pages that use the same name in the Filter On property. All such pages pre-apply the same filter.
Make Mandatory
Make the option mandatory in situations when you want to ensure that a filter value always exists. For example, enabling this forces a radio button filter to always have a value (by default the first value in the list), and the "No filter" button does not appear.
Use as a display filter
Use as display filter causes the filter to be applied on data in memory rather than at the database.
Make a filter invisible when you want to pass the filter values but not display the filter on the dashboard.
Enable barcode scanner on mobile
Enable barcode scanner on mobile This is new feature enables mobile devices to filter based on bar codes. This option enables a button in the search bar of the filter panel in mobile apps. When pressed you can use the camera as barcode scanner to quickly filter on complex codes.

Additional options become available depending on the type of filter.