Setting notification schedule based on a Workflow trigger
Note: To use a workflow trigger for a
space, you must first configure the workflow trigger in
Orchestration. See Workflow Triggers and
Configuring workflow triggers in Orchestration for more
You can set a notification schedule based on a workflow trigger created in Orchestration. If the conditions of the configured workflow trigger are met, the notification you set the notification schedule to is triggered and sent.
When a notification is run, it uses the trigger's workflow's status of the last time the workflow was run. If the condition of the trigger's workflow was not met in the last run, no notification is sent.
Note: Notifications can set their schedule based on a workflow trigger for only the
triggers configured for that subscribed space. For example, if you subscribe space A
to a workflow trigger, that workflow trigger is available for notifications in space
A. If you attempt to set a schedule for a notification in space B based on that same
workflow trigger, it will not be available.