Defining a cluster for external databases

  1. Navigate to Admin > External Databases. A table with defined clusters is displayed.
  2. Click + to create a new defined cluster.
  3. Specify this information on the Create Configuration window:
    Note: Some of this information can be found on the configuration page of your cluster that is set up outside of Birst. For example, in Amazon Web Services.
    External Database Type
    Select the type of database for your external database.
    The name of your external database.
    The description for your external database.
    The region your database is housed.
    The JDBC URL for your external database.
    Username of the user that owns the database, sometimes referred to as the "database master."
    The master user password you used to create the cluster.
  4. Click Save.
    A message is displayed indicating if the external database was created successfully. The external database is then listed in the Defined Clusters table on the External Databases page.
    To edit an existing cluster, you can click the Edit icon for that cluster. The Edit Configuration page is displayed.
    You can click the Actions Icon for a specific cluster to test its configuration, create a time table, or delete the configuration.