Moving files or folders

Files and folders can be moved by dragging and dropping with the cursor or using the Move action.

Note: You cannot move the top-level folders private/<user@domain> or Shared. These are reserved folders that cannot be modified or moved.
Moving an object will change that object's filepath. This may break existing links to reports or dashboards.
  1. To drag and drop a file or folder:
    1. Drag and drop a file or folder to the target folder. You can also drag and drop files to the folders in the breadcrumb.

    2. Click Proceed on the confirmation message to confirm the move. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel moving the file or folder.

  2. To use the the Move action:
    1. Click the Actions icon to view more options.
    2. Select Move.

    3. Select the folder you want to move the object to.

    4. Click Move.