View Processed Data

Space Admins can view their processed data through Space Management.

  1. Select View Processed Data from Space Management.
    Data is split in to three tabs: Dimension Data, Measure Data, and Stage Data.

  2. Rest the cursor over the item and select either Preview Data or View Profile to learn more about the published data.
  3. When viewing the processed data, you can modify information in the Data query. Click Run Query to view the results of the data query.
  4. To view data in a specific order, use the "ORDER BY" parameter.

When attempting to use order by with a measure column, you may face the following error: "Unable to retrieve results of query". This error is because you cannot have an ORDER BY clause on an aggregated measure and a different aggregation on the same measure in the projection list of the SELECT, for example [Sum: Quantity] and [Max: Quantity]. Remove the extra aggregations for that measure in the SELECT statement and run the query again.