Always On for a space

Enable Always On to ensure high availability and simultaneous access to reports and dashboards while a space is processing. Birst replicates and creates a "shadow space" for this purpose. By default Always On is not enabled for all accounts; it is an add-on feature for Advanced spaces.

Note: To be able to enable Always On, contact your support or your Customer Success Manager.

Before you enable Always On, note these prerequisites:

  • Always On applies to Cloud and Appliance deployments using SQL Server 2022. Other configurations are not supported.
  • Always On applies to Advanced spaces only.
  • Always On applies to processing engine 5.16 and newer.
  • By default there is a 50 GB limit to the size of the space. This limit is configurable. If you have a larger data store, contact your Birst representative or your Customer Success Manager.
  • Enable Always On only when there are no other processing tasks in progress.
Because it replicates the data, Always On requires additional space resources. If you are a Cloud customer, contact your Birst representative to discuss your requirements. If you are using Birst Appliance, make sure that you have at least as much additional space as your current space size. You can see current space size on the Space Overview page.