Creating a New Space
To analyze and create reports based on the data, you first create a space in Birst. A Birst space is a container for uploaded and processed data and contains any reports and dashboards that you build using the processed data. You can create an unlimited number of spaces for different data sources and analytical purposes.
There are two types of spaces which can be created: Automatic and Advanced.
By default, all users have the ability to create a new space. If you do not have permission contact your Account Administrator.
You can also create a copy of a space to use for testing, differentiated sharing, or other purposes. See Copying a Space.
Account Administrators can create a Usage Tracking space to monitor activities in all spaces. See Setting Up Usage Tracking.
To create a new space
1. | On the Home
page click Add Space. The Create New Space dialog box opens. Tip: If you do not see the Add Space button, you do not have permission to create a new space. Contact your Birst Account Administrator. ![]() |
2. | Select Automatic
Data Modeling or Advanced
Data Modeling, then click Next. Note: If you are an Account Administrator, you see the option to create a Usage Tracking space. See Usage Tracking. |
3. | If your user
account has been enabled
to create spaces on an external cloud, select whether to create the
space in the Birst
Cloud or on an External Cloud that has been configured in Birst. If your user account has
not been enabled for this option, it is greyed out. If you select External Cloud you see a list of one or more connections. Select the connection to use for this space, then click Next. See Using Amazon Redshift for Your Data Warehouse. Otherwise, skip to the next step. ![]() |
4. | In the next dialog box, provide a name for your new space and use the comments box to enter a description, purpose, or special instructions, then click Done. The Navigation page in the Admin module opens, and the space is added to the list of spaces on the Home page. |
Do not use the ampersand (&) character in the space name.
If you have an Appliance installation and the flags AllowOverrideSpaceSchema and IsApplianceMode in web.config are set to true (<add key="AllowOverrideSpaceSchema" value="true"/> <add key="IsApplianceMode" value="true"/> ), you will see a Schema field which enables you to specify the schema name to use for the space. Note that the schema name needs to conform to the syntax that is supported for the database.
Next Steps
Next, upload data to your new space. Either:
Upload text files. See Uploading Flat Files.
Use Infor Connect to upload files larger than 20MB or to connect to RDBMS sources.
Use an Application Connector to extract data from cloud-based sources such as
See Also
Copying a Space
Performing Usage Tracking
Using Amazon
Redshift for Your Data Warehouse