Embedding Birst in Infor OS Portal Workspaces

Before you can embed reports, you must set up the Infor Birst SAML configuration and set up Infor Birst as an Infor OS Portal service provider.

After Infor Birst is configured and Infor OS Portal is set up, you have the option to embed reports on an Infor OS Portal workspace using one of these techniques:

  • Embed Visualizer reports in Infor OS Portal using a web page widget
  • Embed Birst reports using an Infor OS Portal application


  • To configure Infor Birst SAML, you must be an Infor Birst Account Administrator.
    Users must be members of the same Infor Birst Account where you configure SAML.
  • Users must be provisioned in Infor Birst, and given Visualizer or Designer access privileges so that they can view reports in Infor OS Portal. Similarly, must have access to the Birst Dashboard feature to embed an entire dashboard.

Infor OS Portal

  • To configure service providers in Infor OS Portal, the Infor Portal user must have the IFSApplicationAdminrole.
  • To have access to an Infor homepage, the user must belong to the WORKSPACES-User role.

This section provides a step-by-step guide to configure Infor Birst for embedding content, such as Dashboards or Visualizer reports, onto an Infor OS Portal workspace.

At a high level, the SSO connection between Infor OS Portal and Infor Birst can be configured in three steps:
  1. Set up a dummy service provider in Infor OS Portal to get configuration information to configure Birst SAML.
  2. Set up the Birst SAML Configuration, and get the information to configure Birst as an Infor OS Portal Service Provider.
  3. With the Birst Entity ID retrieved from the Birst SAML configuration, set up the authentic service provider for Infor OS Portal based on the information that is provided during the Birst SAML configuration.

Infor Integration

Birst Visualizer reports embedded on an Infor OS Portal workspace can now drill back to another Infor OS Portal app page.

Infor OS Portal users can now drill back to other Infor OS Portal applications from a Birst report. This is configured by setting up report level drill paths in Visualizer reports. For more information, please refer to the Infor OS Portal help resources.