Creating the Birst Service Provider in Infor OS Portal

After you generate the Provider ID (birst,idpid) from the Infor Birst SAML configuration, create the authenticate Infor OS Portal service provider, so that Birst can be embedded on Infor OS Portal.

  1. From the Birst Service Provider page, click the plus icon to create a new service provider configuration.
  2. Specify the Application Type and Display Name using the same information as creating a Birst Service Provider.
  3. Paste the copied Birst Entity ID that was generated from the Birst SAML configuration in the Entity ID field.
  4. Provide the SSO Endpoint and SLO Endpoint values from the Birst SAML Configuration file.
    • Change the SSO and SLO Endpoints to HTTP URL Redirect.
    • We recommend that you copy and paste that information to notepad. For Infor , insert the port number. The default is 443 for https.
  5. Upload the same Birst Trusted Developer certificate that you used to create the placeholder service provider.
  6. Your Birst service provider configuration should look similar to this example:
  7. When the Birst SAML is configured for Infor Mingle, and Birst is set up as a service provider, you can embed Birst onto an Infor OS Portal page. One of two methods can be used to achieve this result.
  8. See Embed Visualizer Reports in Infor OS Portal using a Web Page Widget and Embed Birst Reports using an Infor OS Portal application.