Creating a trellis chart

A trellis chart is a series of similar charts that is useful for identifying patterns and trends. For each value of a chosen attribute, there is a corresponding chart with the same combination of category and series columns. For example, you can use the Year or Business Unit attributes to create a version of the chart for each year or each business unit.

  1. In Designer Chart, add one or more measures and attributes to plot a chart.
  2. Add an attribute by dropping it on Trellis in the Chart Builder. Designer Charts creates a series of charts of the same type and category/series combination. The chart title for each chart in the series is the attribute value.
  3. Click Trellis in the Chart Builder to see the options for trellis charts.
  4. You can change the charts in the trellis to a vertical arrangement.  For example, drag and drop Categories from the Horizontal Trellis area to the Vertical Trellis area.
  5. To remove the trellis charts, drag the attribute from Trellis in the Chart Builder and drop it on the Trash icon in the Subject Area.