Creating a report-level drill path

For example, you have a chart showing Revenue by Region and you want to be able to drill from a Region column to see a chart showing Revenue by Products in that Region. Then when you click on a Product, a hyperlink for that Product leads to an external website. The drill path follows: Region > Product > Hyperlink.

  1. From a Visualizer report, select Advanced Tools > Report-Level Drilling.
  2. In the Report-Level Drilling window, click Add Drill Path.
  3. Name the new Drill Path.
  4. Select a sort option from the Default Sort drop-down list to specify how the report data appears alphabetically on the dashboard..
  5. On the New Drill Path pane, select the first attribute.
  6. Click Drill To.
  7. Select the second attribute.
  8. Click Hyperlink.
  9. In the text box, enter the URL using BQL syntax. Surround the URL in single quotes. For example, to use the value of Products.Products in a Google search: ''+[Products.Products]
  10. Select whether to open the URL in a New Window or in the Same Window as the report.
  11. If you want to customize an existing drill path, right-click on a Measure in the subject area, and select Report-Level Drilling. Drill down into that measure in the table to open the custom hyperlink. You can update the URL and the name of the drill path itself.
  12. Click Done to exit the Report-Level Drilling window.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Test the report.
    1. Click a Region bar to drill to the Products for that Region. You see the drill path at the top of the report.
      Screen shot of Report page; pointing to drill path at top left of the graph
    2. Click a Product column to drill to the URL for that Product.
  15. Add the report to a dashboard and save the dashboard.