Subject Area

Filter columns by Subject Area (COOL-16241)

Added the ability to filter and restrict a search in the Subject Area panel in Visualizer to specific subject areas only when a user searches for columns or objects to add to a Visualizer chart. Previously, the application searched for columns globally across all subject areas. Now, users can select specific subject areas so that the application searches for columns in only those selected subject areas, improving the amount of time to return results.

Note: This feature is specific to subject areas in Visualizer.

Advanced search for Subject Area (COOL-16142)

Added the ability to perform an advanced subject area search that allows users to select multiple filters to apply to the subject area search results. For example, a user can filter the results by Measure, Attributes, Data Buckets, and so on.

Users can click More Options to access the Advanced Search window where the different filters can be selected.