Changing Column Properties

You can modify a column's properties or the source's properties from the Pipeline section of Prepare.

From Column Properties, define these properties:

Column Name
To change the name, click on the name in the Name field and type a new name. Column names in raw data sources can only be modified prior to processing. After the data has been processed, column names cannot be changed unless the data warehouse is deleted.
To change the column's data type to another relevant data type, click on the data type and select the new type from the dropdown.
Upcasting your data is not reversible. For example, if you change an Integer to Number, you would not be able to change the Number back to Integer.
For Varchar columns, you can specify the maximum character width in the Width field.
Lock data type
Locks the data type so that the data type can't be changed.
Date Parsing
Used by Modeler to better understand your Date and Datetime data.
Note: This column property does not have any effect on the display format used for reports in Visualizer. It only affects how datetime fields are recognized when raw data files are processed.
Replace Null Value
Specify the replaced value in the event of a null value.