Creating Google Analytics (4) connection

Google Analytics is a site analytic service that tracks and reports on site traffic for both web and mobile app sites.

Note: Google is stopping support of Google Analytics Version 3 (Universal Analytics) on July 1, 2023. You can read more about this change here.

Review these prerequisites before connecting to Google Analytics data sources:

  • You need a Google Analytics service account email address and private key file to access your Google Analytics account. See the Google documentation for how to set up a service account.
  • The Google Analytics account Analytics API must be enabled in the Google developers console. In the API Manager, select the Library, click Analytics API, and Enable the API.
  • The Google Analytics Connector supports labels for profile, dimensions, and metrics. In addition, it appends the profile name in every record extracted from Google Analytics.
  • Google Analytics data can be extracted from multiple profiles at a time. A Birst variable can be used to provide the profile(s).
  • When extracting data from Google Analytics, you must specify a start date and end date. Birst variables can be used to provide the start date and end date.
  • The Google Analytics Connector does not display dimensions or metrics in the same order as Google Analytics. Also, dimensions and metrics groupings are not available.
  • The list fields showing available dimensions and metrics in the New Object dialog box of the Google Analytics Connector may have an issue showing during selection or reflecting selections when dimensions or metrics are pasted into the fields.
  • The Google Analytics Connector does not support object addition or data extraction using Custom or Advanced Segments. This limitation is with the Google Analytics reporting API which does not support data extraction using Custom or Advanced Segments with Service Accounts.

To create a Google Analytics connection with Birst:

  1. Navigate to Modeler Connect.
  2. Select the Google Analytics connector or click + Create New Connection and select Google Analytics from the Select the connector list.
    Note: Google Analytics 4 supports both space level and shared connection.
  3. Specify your Connection Name.
  4. Click Sign In.
    The Sign in with Google authentication screen is displayed. Follow the prompts to allow Birst to access your account.
  5. Select an existing Google account if one is available. Alternatively, specify an Email and Password for the account. Then click Next.
    Google displays a verification message.
  6. Click Advanced, then click Go to
  7. Click Allow on the Sign in with Google screen to allow Birst access to your Google Account.
    Google Analytics is now configured to trust Birst and is connected. You can now add a new object and configure the data source to be extracted.