Birst Cloud Agent

Note: With each major Birst release, you must upgrade your Birst Cloud Agents to ensure access to the latest functionality as well as proper SQL database connectivity. Birst Cloud Agents must run the same Birst version as your Birst server. Birst Cloud Agents must run the same Birst version as your Birst server.

The Birst Cloud Agent is a lightweight cloud managed Java application that enables you to make connections to sources behind your organization's firewall for extract to Birst or for Live Access to the sources behind a firewall.

The Birst Cloud Agent is an account level agent that you can use for multiple spaces.

Birst Connect 2.0 is a Java command line application that helps extract data from JDBC data sources into Birst.

Birst Connect 2.0 should only be run with Java JDK 11 or later.

It can enable Birst Live Access connections to sources in other networks. It uses HTTPS as the means of transferring data to Birst. Birst Connect 2.0 runs behind your firewall to access your organization's data sources. Birst Connect 2.0 agents can be downloaded and run on both Windows and Linux machines. Currently, JDBC data sources are supported.

Birst supplies a MSSQL Server JDBC driver with Birst Connect 2.0. You must download and install the appropriate JDBC driver for your data source(s). (i.e. Oracle, SAP, MYSQL, etc.)

Birst Cloud agents enable Birst Connect 2.0 to support multiple configurations for the same space. This is useful when multiple data sources are distributed across the network, such that they are not all accessible from a single machine. Having multiple configurations allow users to run separate instances of Birst Connect 2.0 from different machines within the network. In addition, you can employ multiple Birst Cloud Agents per connection for enhanced performance via load balancing. A single Birst Cloud Agent can serve multiple spaces. The Agent default thread pool size is set to 8 but can be modified up to 12 by editing the agent properties file.

A connection defined with Birst Connect 2.0 can pull data from several different sources for which extraction can be scheduled using Birst's cloud connector scheduler.

When pulling data from a database, users can select entire database tables and views for upload or pull subsets of data via custom SQL select statements (Query Objects).