Using Birst Connect File Connector

Large files that are greater in size than 20 MB can be upload and refreshed through the Files Connector.

The Files Connector enables you to:

  • Connect and upload local files larger than 20 MB. The File Connector currently supports .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .csv, and .zip files.
  • Schedule data refreshes from Modeler Prepare to keep data in Birst in sync with the changes happening in your files.

To use the Birst Connect File Connector:

  1. Start the Birst Cloud Agent for the environment you are working in from the Agent bin directory. If you do not have a Birst Cloud Agent installed, download the agent to the machine where you are going to upload your large files(s) and run the agent file.
  2. Navigate to your Agent directory and place the files to upload to Birst in the Birst Cloud Agent Files directory.
  3. Navigate to Modeler Connect.
  4. Select Files Connector or click +Create and select Files Connector from the Select the connector list.
  5. Specify a Connection Name.
  6. Select the Birst Cloud Agent, then click Save.
  7. Select the file and click Download. After the download is complete, you can preview the file(s).
  8. Select all the files to extract, then click Done.
  9. Click Import.