Example: Modifying Source Data

There are many transformations you can perform on the data to make it better suit your reports. Some transformations apply to the table as a whole, and some to individual columns.

The example steps below illustrate removing a time stamp from a Date column.

  1. Select the Date column.
  2. Select the Date transform and Time element. Modeler adds a column to the end of the series with the Date without the Time.
    Note: Notice that the data type changed from DateTime to Date.

  3. The changes are visible in the transformation pipeline there is a new node for this Data change. You can select its node and click Edit to edit it again.

  4. Modeler creates a new column instead of editing the existing one. This allows you to make additional transformations on the original column. To remove, select it the column and click the Ignore transform.

  5. Click Rename to change the name of the column.
  6. Click Publish to save the prepared source.
  7. Click X in the Transforms menu to go back to the list of tables and make more prepared sources.
  8. Optionally, cick the Add Transformations button from the list to go back and make changes. Modeler saves the whole history of changes.