Modeler Connect

You can use the Modeler Connect page to log into a cloud application, a database, or upload a file of tables to access and import the desired data for reporting. After establishing your connection(s), you select the tables that you want to import, and optionally, filter the rows in the tables to return only the rows you require. After identifying the columns and rows that you want, import the desired data and continue onto the Modeler Prepare page to refine your data.

Note: Live Access does not import data; it runs a query directly against a data source behind your firewall. This means the data never leaves your premise and access to the data is removed when you turn off your Birst Cloud Agent.
Birst supports only one extraction job at a time per space. Creating parallel extraction jobs using Cloud connectors, or Birst Connect / Birst Cloud Agents is not supported and could lead to data upload inconsistencies. We recommend using Extracting Groups as well as Orchestration tasks to schedule data extractions in a space. Birst Connect 1 is not supported in Orchestration.

There are some data types that return unusable data (Binary data), so columns with the following data types are excluded from data preview response and for import. The list of data types includes:

  • BLOB
  • CLOB
Note: Birst uses the JDBC Type class from java 8 to identify the data type mapping. If Birst does not find a matching data type, it returns the VARCHAR data type. This is applicable to any database specific data type.