SSO parameters

You can embed Birst reports and dashboards in other applications using Single Sign-On (SSO). The tables below list the supported SSO parameters.

General Parameters

Parameter Values Description
birst.embedded true or false Hides the navigation bar or menu. Normally used when the page is to be embedded in an HTML IFrame.
birst.idpid SAML configuration ID Use this parameter in SP-initiated SAML SSO URL. This is the SAML configuration ID in Account Settings. Account admin should create the SAML configuration ID, and provide the configuration ID to its account users. The SAML configuration ID can be found in the Account Settings (Birst 5) or SAML (Birst 6) UI. Account admin should create the SAML configuration ID, and provide the configuration ID to its account users.
birst.reuseSession true or false Used to support the use cases of embedding multiple reports on a web page. When users want to embed multiple reports on a web page, pass this parameter in the SSO request for each report, with the value, "true". For example:
birst.spaceId space_ID The ID of the space to be accessed via SSO. Use this parameter to go to a specific space rather than the default space for the user. You must have defined a default space if you do not specify a value.
Note: Users need to be added to that space before SAML SSO.
birst.ssopassword sso_password Generated for the space in the Modify Properties page. Not valid when using SAML SSO.
birst.username user_name The account user name for SSO authentication, typically a generic or admin user ID. Not valid when using SAML SSO.



true or false Used for custom web tabs and Visualforce integrations. By default, the username used in Infor will be the SFDC username. If you want to use the SFDC email address instead, set this parameter to true. Not valid when using SAML SSO.
birst.wmode N/A Set the Adobe Flash wmode parameter (window, opaque, transparent, gpu, direct). Not valid when using SAML SSO. Should not be used in most cases.
birst.SSOToken token_string Opaque token returned by the Birst token generator and used to sign on.

Dashboard Parameters

Parameter Values Description
birst.dashboard dashboard_name Use birst.dashboard and together. Birst.dashboard is the dashboard and is the page you see when Dashboards first opens. Use ASCII encoding for spaces in the name. For example:
birst.dashboard=My%20Dashboard & dashboard_page_name
birst.filters filter_name: value,value Filter or filters to apply to the default dashboard (birst.dashboard) when it opens. Filters must be associated with the dashboard page. Use ASCII hex encoding for special characters and spaces in the filter name and value.
Separate multiple filter values with commas (,). Separate multiple filters with semicolons (;). The format is:
Example with two filters and two filter values:
Example with an encoded comma in the filter value:
Example with a space in the filter name and no space in the filter value:
Example with a date range:



true or false When true, hides the dashboard navigation button (in the upper right of the browser) and the field navigation (on the upper left).


(the parameter name "hideHeader" is supported for backward compatibility)

true or false When true, hides the top-most toolbar.


(the parameter name "hideSubHeader" is supported for backward compatibility)

true or false When true, hides both the page name and the filter card rows.
birst.themeName theme_name Applies a theme to a user session. Use ASCII hex encoding for spaces in theme names. For example:
birst.filterLayout left, top

Use birst.filterLayout=left to show the HTML5 dashboard page with the left filter layout (new filter layout).

Use birst.filterLayout=top to show the HTML5 dashboard page with the top filter layout (classic filter layout).

birst.renderType HTML If birst.renderType=HTML is set, uses HTML5 version of Dashboards. Otherwise, it defaults to the Dashboard view tied to user's login.
birst.viewHTML5 true or false If birst.viewHTML5=false, the View as HTML5 menu option will not display in dashboards.

Report Parameters (Visualizer)

Parameter Values Description
embeddedView true or false Embeds a Visualizer report. For example: embeddedView=true
reportname path to the Visualizer report Visualizer report names must be appended with: reportname=%2Fshared%2FMy%20Report.viz.dashlet
birst.filters filter_name: value,value Filter or filters to apply to the default dashboard (birst.dashboard) when it opens. Filters must be associated with the dashboard page. Use ASCII hex encoding for special characters and spaces in the filter name and value.
Separate multiple filter values with commas (,). Separate multiple filters with semicolons (;). The format is:
Example with two filters and two filter values:
Example with an encoded comma in the filter value:
Example with a space in the filter name and no space in the filter value:
Example with a date range:

Report Parameters (Designer)

Parameter Values Description
birst.reportName report_name The name of the Designer report (shared/myReport.Adhoc).