Creating email notifications quick overview

If enabled for your user account, you can create a notification that emails a report or a dashboard to one or more email recipients. For more information on notifications, see Dashboard Notifications.

  1. Share a report by clicking Dashlet Actions > Create Notifications.
  2. Click Add (+) and specify the name of the notification, email addresses, frequency, time, and time zone.
    Note: Separate email addresses for multiple recipients with a semicolon and no spaces. For example,;

    Optionally, change the default PDF attachment format for a report dashlet.

    Note: Dashboards can only export as PDFs. Toggle it on and select another format, such as CSV, PPT, Excel, HTML, or RTF/Word. The type of available format depends on the type of chart.

If enabled for your account, and if the report is a large Visualizer table, the Bulk Export option lets you export up to the maximum number that the Administrator configured for your account rows.

The Include Details option adds a tab or page labeled Metadata that includes the collection, dashboard, and report names, the time stamp, and the applied filters.

Save the notification, then click Done. A summary of the report notification information shows in the Notifications panel.

Click Back to leave the summary. Click the Notifications button in the top menu bar to close the panel.
Note: To see and edit any of your notifications, click the Notifications button.

Share a dashboard by clicking the Notifications button, then click the Add button in the Notifications Center.

Fill in the name, email addresses, and set the frequency, time, and time zone. You can enter a title for the email subject line, and format text to go within the email. If your Birst Administrator has set up any variables for you to use, add them with the V{variable_name} syntax.

Then select the attachment format options and whether you want the report to add details such as the collection name. These are similar options to a simple report export, as previously described.

Click Save, then Back, then the Notifications button. Birst will send a dashboard notification to the email addresses at the specified time.

To share multiple dashboards in one email it's easiest to start with an existing notification, as described above. Then navigate to the second dashboard and go back into the Notifications panel, and select Action > Add Dashboard. The new dashboard gets added to the list at the bottom.