Adding a Tab for Embedding Birst in

This describes how to add a tab in to display Birst Designer, Visualizer, Dashboards, or a specific dashboard from a Birst space.

  • Your Birst account must be associated with the Organizational ID (SfdcOrgID). This is required only once per Birst account/SfdcOrgID pairing. See Salesforce Help ( for finding the ID. In the Birst Admin - Command Window, enter addsfdcaccountmapping sfdcOrgID.
    Note: If it is possible the mapping is already added, use this command to check: getsfdcaccountmapping. For the full list of commands, see Administrative commands in the Birst Administrator guide. In addition, these are available as web services.
  • Check the API Enabled check box in the Administrative Permissions of the profile. This is required for a user to access Birst from
    Note: You can also embed a Birst dashboard into an existing page. For information, see Adding a Birst Dashboard to a Visualforce Page.
  1. Log on to your Salesforce account.
  2. Click your user name at the top of the page and select Setup.
  3. Under the App setup on the left side, expand the Create item and click Tabs.
  4. In the Web Tabs section in the middle of the page, click the New button.
  5. On the next page, select one of the two options: Full Page Width or 2 Columns with Sidebar. Click Next.
    Note: The Full Page Width option is recommended because the Infor application expects the full width of the screen.
  6. On the Display Properties page, specify a label in the Tab Label and name in the Tab Name field. Also select a tab style, provide a height and description in the respective fields. Click Next.
  7. On the next page, enter the URL with any optional parameters based on this format:{!API.Enterprise_Server_URL_540}&sessionid={!API.Session_ID}&birst.module=dashboard
    Note: You can also copy the third link in the Links to the Dashboard Page dialog box labeled Appropriate for Custom Web Tabs in the Application and paste it into the URL field to use as your starting point.
    Note: It is recommended that customers update the SalesForce API configuration to 54.0. Customers who are still using the 25.0 configuration may encounter issues. After Salesforce removes support for 25.0 completely, any embedded Birst dashboards using 25.0 will stop working.
    • By default, the username used in Infor will be the SFDC user name. If you want to use the SFDC email address instead, add: &birst.useSFDCEmailForBirstUsername=true
    • If you want to go to Designer or Visualizer instead of Dashboards, change dashboard to designer or visualizer in the URL: &birst.module=designeror&birst.module=visualizer
    • If you want to go to a specific space (rather than the default space for the user) add &birst.SpaceId=<spaceId>. You must have defined a default space if you do not specify a value.
  8. Click Next and Save until you return to the tab creation page. Your new tab displays at the top of the page and in the Web Tabs section in the middle of the page.
  9. Click on your tab at the top of the page to verify that it is working.