Dashboard Notifications

Notifications send regularly scheduled emails with an attachment of either a single report or entire dashboard. Notifications show a snapshot of the report at the time the notification is created.

Notifications for Dashboard and Visualizer dashlets can use Repository Variables in applied filters to dynamically display data for your notifications.
Note: This is not applicable to Designer dashlet reports.

Dynamic notifications have the following limitations:

  • If you convert a Repository Variable used in a notification to a Session Variable, the notification continues to run as a Repository Variable.
  • If you use an incompatible variable with a filter, the Dashboard notification ignores that filter, but this causes the dashlet notifications to fail.
  • These filter types are not supported:
    • Filters containing the operators (is missing), (is not missing)
    • Custom Group Filters.
    • Custom Set Filters.
    • Global Filters.
Note: Birst now uses Sendgrid to securely send Birst email notifications. Sendgrid email notifications have a maximum size limit of 20MB. You must adjust the notifications that are more than 20MB to fit the new size limit so that you can continue to receive those reports. Any emails that are over 20MB will be bounced back by the server.