Viewing dashboards quick overview

Use this information to view information for charts a dashboard:

View details of charts Hover over a chart
Maximize and minimize a report Hover over a chart and click Maximize. The report is expanded.

Click Minimize to restore to original size. Maximizing the page is helpful for viewing map reports.

Change report types, if feature is enabled Hover over a report and select Dashlet Actions > View Selector.

The options show the type of charts that match the data. The table view is a convenient way to see the data in a column and row format.

View attributes and measures On some reports, you can select the attributes or measures to show.

Select Dashlet Actions > Column Selector.

Alternative attributes or measures are displayed in the Column Selector list. When you select another one, the report is updated.

Tabular reports You can toggle row and column parent headers. Click the table menu icon, click the toggle button.

For other tabular reports, you can create a percentage calculation column from a numeric column.

Click the column menu and select Percentage Of, then select subtotals or grand total. Subtotals and grand totals are available based on the data in the report. The table is resized to fit the panel when you add the new column.

Delete the percentage column Click the column menu and select Remove.