Spaces on external clouds

When you are creating a space in Birst, you can set up a warehouse on an external cloud platform, such as AWS Redshift. See Using Amazon Redshift for your data warehouse.

External Cloud option for creating a space
Note: This feature must be enabled for this option to be available and may not display for some customers. To enable this option for a user, navigate to User Management and verify that the Warehouse setting includes External. Work with your administrator to learn more.

Birst can be set up to use an Amazon Redshift data warehouse. Amazon Redshift works like any other data warehouse database, except that it is outside of the Birst data center. You can create and manage your own Redshift clusters. Birst connects to the clusters you create on Redshift in order to create spaces.

  1. Select the Global Navigation Menu to display the Spaces panel.
  2. Click the + icon to create a new space.
    Note: If you do not see the + icon, you do not have permission to create a new space. Contact your Birst Account Administrator.
  3. Select Space on External Cloud from the list of space types.
    External Space option
  4. Select the cluster to create the space from the list of connections that have been configured. Then, click Next.
  5. Specify a name for the space, then click Save.