Renaming files or folders

You can rename files and folders in the Report Catalog. Here are some guidelines when renaming a folder:

  • The report name must be unique within a folder regardless of character case
  • You cannot rename the top-level folders shared or private/<user@domain>
  • You cannot modify the file type or extension
Note: Birst does not support multiple objects with the same name in different character cases. For example, users cannot have "Test Folder" and "TEST Folder" object names. The report name must be unique within a folder regardless of character case.

To rename a file or folder:

  1. Select the file or folder to rename from the Report Catalog.
  2. Click the Actions icon to view more options.
  3. Select Rename.

  4. Specify the new name, and then click the green check mark to save.
  5. Click Rename on the confirmation message. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel renaming the file or folder.

    Renaming a file or folder may break any existing report paths.