Advanced BQL commands

BQL provides functions that return the current date and time as a datetime data type.


Use the DATEDIFF function to determine the difference between two Date or two Datetime attributes.

DATEDIFF(YEAR|QUARTER|MONTH|WEEK|DAY, start_date_attribute, end_date_attribute)
DATEDIFF(YEAR|QUARTER|MONTH|WEEK|DAY|HOUR|MINUTE|SECOND, start_datetime_attribute, end_datetime_attribute)

For example to get the difference in years between two datetime columns, Birthday and Hire date:



FIND works the same way as LOOKUPVALUE, with the exception that the lookup value does not have to have an exact match. If the match is exact then that row is returned, otherwise, the first row that is greater than the lookup value is used:

FIND(index_of_column_ to_lookup, value_to_lookup, index_of_column_to_return, BQL_query)


The BQL FORMAT function formats a measure or date attribute to a specified string format.


In a SELECT statement, surround the FORMAT function in parenthesis.

SELECT (FORMAT([Orders.Order_Date], 'EEEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z')) FROM [All]

The FORMAT function returns a varchar.

For example, without formatting:

SELECT [Order_Date: Sum: Quantity] FROM [All]

Returns: 944,592

With formatting:

SELECT (FORMAT([Order_Date: Sum: Quantity], '##,###,##0.00')) FROM [All]

Returns: 944,592.00


FUNCTION and FUNCTIONLOOKUP run a script that does a calculation over the result set and returns a single value for a column on a row.

You declare a return data type (the type of the function) and provide both an ETL script and a BQL query. The script is executed for each row of the result set. The variable [Result] is populated with the return value.

FUNCTION syntax is:
FUNCTION(return_data_type,{parameters}, ETL_script, BQL_query)

FUNCTIONLOOKUP adds a lookup expression when iterating over a result set:

FUNCTIONLOOKUP(return_data_type, lookup_index, lookup_expression, script, BQL_query)


GETPROMPTVALUE syntax uses either a column filter (called a prompt in Original Dashboards) or a parameter filter.

GETPROMPTVALUE('filter_column_name|parameter_name', 'optional_default_value')
Note: Define the optional second argument to be used in the event that the first argument is not a currently defined prompt.


Use GETPROMPTFILTER to pass a filter (prompt) name and its user-selected value or values from a dashboard into an expression. GETPROMPTFILTERS passes all filter names and values for that specific dashboard.

[measure] WHERE GETPROMPTFILTER('filter_column_name')...

GETPROMPTFILTERS is also useful in situations where the set of filters may change, and the measure expression would not have to change.


For example:

SELECT [Order_Date: Sum: Quantity] WHERE GETPROMPTFILTER('Time.Year')...
SELECT [Order_Date: Sum: Quantity] WHERE GETPROMPTFILTERS()...


LET allows you to reuse logic in complex expressions. You can declare expression-level variables using the DIM statement, initialize them, and reuse them.

LET(variable_declarations, expression)

The following example creates two variables, [AvgUnitPrice] and [TotalQuantity]. Each is initialized with a LOOKUPVALUE expression. The variables are then used in a resulting expression. The lookup expressions only need to be declared once, instead of repeated multiple times in the IIF block.

DIM [AvgUnitPrice] AS FLOAT = LOOKUPVALUE(0,[Products.CategoryName],1,SELECT [Products.CategoryName],[OrderDate: Avg: UnitPrice] FROM [All])
DIM [TotalQuantity] AS FLOAT = LOOKUPVALUE(0,[Products.CategoryName],1,SELECT [Products.CategoryName],[OrderDate: Sum: Quantity] FROM [All]),


LOOKUPROW looks up a value in a row of another result set using a specific row index, and returns the value in a specified column in that row.

LOOKUPROW(index_of_row_to_return, index_of_column_to_return, optional_parameter, optional_parameter,... , BQL_query)

Optional parameters can be expressions, constants, columns from the main query, or a combination. Using parameters, the lookup query can depend on expressions derived from the main query itself. This technique allows multi-pass calculations.


LOOKUPVALUE looks up a value in a row of another result set by the value of another column in the same row:

LOOKUPVALUE(column_number_from_the_query, [attribute_in_the_current_query|measure_in_the_current_query], column_number_of_the_new_query, optional_parameter, optional_parameter... , SELECT [attribute|measure],[attribute|measure]... FROM [ALL])

Optional parameters can be expressions, constants, columns from the main query, or a combination. Using parameters, the lookup query can depend on expressions derived from the main query itself. This technique allows multi-pass calculations.


Note: MEDIAN is not supported for use in the input statement of a scripted data source (ETL).

MEDIAN supports breaking attributes that instruct the query engine to re-calculate the median based on values changing for a particular attribute.

MEDIAN([measure] BY [attribute])

For example:

SELECT [Products.Categories], MEDIAN([Order_Date: Sum: Revenue] BY [Products.Categories]) FROM [ALL]


Note: For those sites migrated post the 2023.08 maintenance window, Birst has adopted the Infor standard that establishes the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as the time standard. The Processing Time Zone uses UTC and so, using functions like NOW and NOWDATE are impacted by this change. If you have not changed the Processing Time Zone default setting in Space Properties, then Birst uses UTC for the time standard. See KB Article 2303325 for more information on this change.

NOW returns the current date and time. The format of the return value is:

yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

For example, this query in Query Admin:

SELECT [Time.Month of Year] FROM [ALL] WHERE [Time.Date] = NOW

Generates this response:

SELECT DW_DM_TIME_DAY0_.Month_of_Year$ AS 'Month of Year'
WHERE DW_DM_TIME_DAY0_.Date$='2016-04-19 15:24:25'
GROUP BY DW_DM_TIME_DAY0_.Month_of_Year$

NOWDATE returns the current date at midnight. The format of the return value is:

yyyy-mm-dd 12:00:00

For example, this query in Query Admin:

SELECT [Time.Month of Year] FROM [ALL] WHERE [Time.Date] = NOWDATE

Generates this response:

SELECT DW_DM_TIME_DAY0_.Month_of_Year$ AS 'Month of Year'
WHERE DW_DM_TIME_DAY0_.Date$='2016-04-19 12:00:00'
GROUP BY DW_DM_TIME_DAY0_.Month_of_Year$
Note: You can also use the FORMAT command to control the formatting of the datetime data. For example, FORMAT(NOWDATE, 'yyyy-MM-dd')).


The SPARSE function allows you to show dimension column values for which there is no fact data. SPARSE is a middle tier function which enables it to be used with OUTER JOINS and to be used at the database level.


SPARSE works with multiple dimensions in a query. For example:

SELECT USING OUTER JOIN [Products.ProductName] 'F8',[OrderDate: Sum: Quantity] 'F1',[Time.Year/Quarter],SPARSE([Time.Year/Quarter]) 'F5' FROM [ALL] WHERE ([Products.ProductName]=Longlife Tofu OR [Products.ProductName]=Chocolade) AND [Time.Year/Quarter]>=1993 AND [Time.Year/Quarter]<=1997 ORDER BY [Time.Year/Quarter]  ASC


STAT generates aggregated statistics based on another result set:

STAT([aggregation], index_of_column_to_aggregate, optional_parameter, optional_parameter... , BQL_query)

Allowable aggregations include: MEDIAN, AVG, MIN, MAX, SUM, COUNT, COUNTDISTINCT, and STDDEV.

Optional parameters can be expressions, constants, columns from the main query, or a combination. Using parameters, the lookup query can depend on expressions derived from the main query itself. This technique allows multi-pass calculations.

Reference each parameter expression in the lookup query using %index syntax. The first parameter is numbered %0, the second %1, etc.

Note: Parameters require the lookup query to be issued for each row in the parent query and can affect performance. Use the display filter DISPLAY WHERE syntax to run these queries against the returned dataset in cache for improved performance.


Note: TRANSFORM is not supported in Visualizer scripts.

Report-level transformations provide a way of directly manipulating or even creating from scratch the report-level result set. TRANSFORM operates row-by-row over the original result set from the query, using WRITERECORD to output new rows as results. TRANSFORM functions just like an ETL Services script. In essence, the entire result set is re-written as a result of the TRANSFORM statement. All the input and output columns are identical to those from the original result set.


This example is a very basic transform that writes out odd row numbers:



IF (Integer([Odd]/2)*2 = [Odd]) THEN

       [Sum: Quantity]=[Sum: Quantity]



[Odd] = [Odd] + 1



The TREND function uses the least squares method to extrapolate values based on a linear trend.

TREND(index_of_column_ to_return, index_of_column_to_look_up, value_to_look_up, BQL_query)

For example, to get the linear trend of quantity over a period of time:

TREND(1,0,[Time.Month Seq Number], SELECT [Time.Month Seq Number], [Order_Date: Sum: Quantity]FROM [ALL] WHERE [Time.Month Seq Number] >= 1330 AND [Time.Month Seq Number] <= 1342)