Monitoring processed jobs

The Monitoring feature provides details for a given processing job run. These details include specifics on:

  • Process History
  • Hierarchy Load Details
  • Measure grains
  • Job Cancellation
  • Agent logs
Note: There is a known issue where historical logs and publication history are not available for a space after a swap space operation.

To access the details of a process from a space:

  1. From Admin, select Monitoring.
  2. Select the space. The list of processing jobs is displayed. The jobs are organized by the job type, such as Uploaded Files, Publishing Jobs, and so on.
  3. Expand the job type to view a list of the processes included in that particular job type.
  4. Click More Details from the listed run jobs.
    You can see the history details on Processing Groups, Hierarchy Load, and Grains.

    You can click Download Logs to download the logs for a particular job to your local computer.
  5. Additionally, if the Actions column is enabled, admins can click the Action hand icon to cancel a currently running job or clear a stuck job.
    Monitoring Details for a specific Job