Merge Recovery

Merge recovery allows you to recover and revert your space back to its state before they ran a merge workflow.

When you run a merge workflow, Birst saves a backup of the target space when a merge workflow is run and stores the space backup for up to 10 workflow runs. You can then recover a backup of the space and restore it to before the workflow was run. For example, if you run a merge workflow and then several days later realize that you need to undo the workflow run, you can use merge recovery to revert back to the previous state.

Merge recovery can be run from the Merge Recovery window accessed from Orchestration and Monitoring.

Note: A merge recovery is a full restore of the repository. When a user reverts a space back to before a workflow was run, any model changes that were implemented after the original merge workflow but before the merge recovery is lost. For example, if a merge is run on a Monday, model changes occur on Tuesday, and then the space is recovered to before Monday, anything done on Tuesday is lost.